
We become what we eat. Everything we eat and drink affects how the body works and where the body’s needs vary at different stages of life, be our nutrition too. The connection between diet and health is clear. To grow properly and function normally, we need a complete range of nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, water as well as various vitamins and minerals.

Because our lifestyle or the type of work we do, many of us have not had much practice as we need. Excess food taken is stored in body fat, resulting in weight gain and potentially obesity. This in turn leads to various diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and joint problems.

Of course, the opposite is true, if we spend more energy than we take in, we will lose weight and this is the reasoning many weight loss diets. However, it comes under the weight of their own health problems and reduced life expectancy.

What is the best number of meals a day? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. The biological clock is all different and we all have different requirements of our plans. However, our bodies and minds need a constant supply of energy and nutrients throughout the day, so eat three balanced meals is the best way to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to have just two meals a day, make sure one of them is served and avoid eating heavy meals at night. Breakfast is the most important meal. It breaks the long overnight fast, help you wake up and get going. It stops you from feeling hungry later and helps you to be more alert in school or work.

For a quick and healthy breakfast have a bowl of whole grain cereal with fresh or dried fruit and milk (skimmed). If you have more time, make an omelet and eat a whole meal bread. If you must eat on the run, grab the piece fresh fruit such as bananas or apples, some nuts or seeds and yogurt.

Fruits and vegetables should form the basis of each diet. They should be your first choice for snacks and every meal should contain them. Vegetarians already be reaping the benefits of this nutritious food. Fruits and vegetables are fat-free and low in sodium. Evidences show that eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day can help prevent the development of heart disease and cancer.

Some foods that are highly valued for the health of their gifts and disease preventing qualities nutrient supply such as linseed (flax), curd, nuts, olive oil, oranges, pepper, pulses, oats, red grapes, spinach, tomatoes.


October 17th, 2015

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