
Endolymphatic hydrops (EH. Is baffling condition of patients and doctors alike. It is sometimes referred to as Meniere’s disease, although these terms are misleading. Meniere’s disease represents a triad of symptoms described in the 19th century French physician Prosper Meniere. Endolymphatic hydrops seems much more useful time to help understand the underlying problem.

People with tinnitus experience sometimes occasional feelings of fullness in one or both ears. This usually happens in one ear at a time. The feeling of fullness may be accompanied by volatile hearing loss and increased tinnitus An audiogram shows hearing a sensor neural – .. involving inner ear or auditory nerve

The inner ear is a closed system that consists of a snail-shaped cochlea and the semicircular canals or vestibular apparatus. All the system is encased in the temporal bone of the skull. The cochlea is relevant to the hearing. It contains delicate hair cells that receive sound vibrations and send the resulting electrical impulses through the auditory nerve to the brain. The vestibular system is concerned with balance and equilibrium. Each system is filled inside with a fluid called endolymph, where hair cells and vestibular structures are suspended.

If the accumulation of large liquid (endolymph) occurs, it leads to increased pressure inside the sealed inner ear structures – known as endolymphatic hydrops. Liquid-transfer system in this system works very slowly and no safety valve, so significant pressure and fluid buildup may require several hours or days before it returns to normal. This increased pressure can lead to loss of hearing, tinnitus, and serious imbalance, called vertigo. May one or all three symptoms may occur, depending on how high pressure. Vertigo is the most disabling symptoms, feeling like seasickness, where the environment is vigorously spinning around you, or you’re turning in your environment. Recurring dizziness from EH is often accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting and can last for days at a time.

Doctors have speculated for years that the cause of the fluid buildup. Surgery has been devised to ease the pressure and drugs prescribed primarily to help relieve dizziness, nausea and vomiting. None of them has proven to be very effective.

Recent studies have implicated in susceptibility to certain substances that often cause fluid buildup. In my personal experience, sensitivity to wheat is the most common culprit, followed by corn, cow-milk and soy products. Others are aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Material sensitivity is not quite the same as allergic to the substance, but similar. If you are truly allergic to something, the smallest amount of it can cause allergic reactions, such as hives, wheezing, etc. Allergy is transmitted through body chemical called histamine, so drugs that reduce or slow the production of histamine effectively reduce allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are not useful for material sensitivity, where the underlying hardware is different. Someone who is not clinically allergic to a particular substance can be simply symptoms of having too much of the substance in their system. A food sensitivity, for example, is likely to be “dose.” For example, a given individual may consume a slice of wheat bread daily without obvious symptoms, but the symptoms manifest after eating two slices in the same period.

I stumbled often patients in my years of practice with the classic symptoms of fullness in the ear, tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss, dizziness and either true or dizziness. The majority did not experience severe dizziness. For many characteristics of the three symptoms of tinnitus was least likely to go away completely largely reduced when they removed all wheat products from their diet .. In my experience, wheat is the most difficult of all food sensitivities, especially in communities where bread is a dietary staple. I also encountered more resistance from asking people to eliminate wheat from their diet to the other recommendations. I also saw the most amazing results among those who follow these recommendations precisely. Note, I did not reduce wheat consumption people. I said to eliminate it from your diet.

If you have these symptoms, I strongly recommend that you immediately write down everything you have eaten during the previous 48 to 72 hours. After three or four elements, you’ll discover a common pattern – food additives that constantly takes place in each list. Then you know what to avoid in the future. Attempt to be sure. Totally eliminate material at least three weeks, and see if the symptoms go away. Then add it back into your diet and see what happens. Again, symptoms may be subject to quantity. It can take several days to eat wheat again (if wheat is breaking your content) for symptoms to reappear.

I also suggest that you look up all the foods that contain wheat, corn, cow milk and soy. In the US, almost all packaged and processed foods containing wheat. MSG is a major factor of soy sauce, a common additive in Chinese food, and in most processed and fast foods. Aspartame is a common sweetener in diet sodas, packaged food, medicine, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.

With the characteristics described above, an examination by a qualified ENT specialist is necessary to be sure their cause. When you understand the cause, however, prevention is safer and far more effective than any possible treatment. A significant part of the recovery from endolymphatic hydrops involves educating yourself about possible causes. Also be aware that your doctor may not be aware of this information. If that’s the case, he or she can resist the suggestion that “allergy” is responsible for the symptoms. My suggestion to you is, try these suggestions anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results.


October 10th, 2015

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