
Many people believe that age-related hearing loss is inevitable, it should occur as we get older, but did you know that by certain foods in your diet, you can improve your hearing? You heard me correctly, the hearing can be improved not only by reducing exposure to noise, have the implants, the hearing, or by having their ears regularly cleaned by professionals but also by making lifestyle changes especially in the kind of food you eat.

Studies have shown that those who suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss also suffer from malnutrition as well. Add hear the foods that will be mentioned later in this article in the daily diet and you will have gone many steps forward, not only in favor of the ears, but the overall physical health as well.

Food rich in vitamin D will improve hearing because vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium which is essential for us to have strong bones. Lack of this vitamin causes osteopenia in adults, a condition where the bones in the ears harden and become porous

Sources of vitamin D :. Cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna, liver, and egg yolk.

Food rich in vitamin A along with vitamin C and E and magnesium work together to prevent the formation of free radicals generated noise. Studies have also shown that exposure to noise also decreases blood flow to the inner ear.

The vitamins and minerals committee also works by cleaning mix and destroy these free radicals.

sources of vitamin A: a) vegetables that are dark green and yellow and yellow fruits such as broccoli, squash, spinach, turnip greens, carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and apricots; b) sources of animal liver, milk, butter, cheese, and whole eggs

Sources of vitamin C :. fresh fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, green and red pepper, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, Brussels sprouts. lemon, pineapple, strawberries, citrus fruits

Sources of vitamin E :. wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, margarine and vegetable oil (soybean, corn, safflower and cottonseed oil)

Sources Magnesium :. dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, green vegetables, pulses

interrupted or poor blood circulation, high blood pressure and stiffening bones in the middle ear, are some of the causes of tinnitus or Tinnitus condition often associated with hearing loss.

Food rich in vitamin B12 or cobalamine improve hearing by controlling the formation of red blood cells, aid the metabolism of homocysteine ​​and prevent tinnitus

Sources of vitamin B12 :. dairy products, eggs, lean beef, shellfish

Food rich in folic acid decreases homocysteine ​​is believed to be the cause of some types of hearing loss and increases blood flow to the internal structure of the ear

Sources folate :. beef liver, spinach, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, avocado, lettuce, peanuts, tomato juice, whole eggs, strawberries, papaya, banana and cantaloupe.

Food rich in Manganese also improve hearing because this mineral aids in the formation of connective tissues and bones, plus it is also necessary for normal functioning of the brain and nerves. If you have a small amount of manganese, you will likely suffer from tinnitus

Sources :. Apples, apricots, avocado, beans, pineapple, berries, raisins, celery, egg yolks, legumes, and pine nuts


October 10th, 2015

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