
If you are a vegetarian or vegan you may have heard stories or rumors about being a vegetarian or vegan can lead to infertility, miscarriages and problems in the womb. Let me make this clear, this is not true.

So long as you are getting enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that you can ensure that you have a healthy and safe pregnancy. Here are some tips for fertility for vegetarian men and women

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 1 – Make sure you are getting enough nutrition

Being vegetarian actually has an advantage over meat eaters you avoid toxins, hormone disruptor and heavy metals in meat, poultry, and seafood. With this in mind, however, you can not always eat vegetarian food and do not watch what you eat. You still need to make sure you are getting enough nutrition for conception. In particular Pay special attention to folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 2 -. Eating Whole nutritious foods

It is easy for vegetarians to get junk food that contains no meat in it and think they are eating healthy. However, you are missing out on many trace minerals and vitamins if all you’re doing is eating fast food and processed vegetables. Stand whole nutritious foods that are close to their original form

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 3 -. Cut down on sugar

Limit your intake of sugar. Items such as coke, donuts, juice, cake stop. Excess sugar in your system can lead to candidiasis or Candida

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 4 -. Stop The Dairy

If you vegetarian and not vegan, then you can be drinking a lot of milk and eat lots of dairy products including cheese. Non-organic milk contains hormones, pus and can even contain traces of the drug was injected into the cow. You do not want this in your system while you are trying to conceive. Foods rich in calcium include

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 5 – Eat more raw and organic foods

Cooking food destroys a lot of valuable vitamins and trace elements in them. By eating foods raw and organic you are eating them as intended and without harmful pesticides or herbicides. Pesticides and herbicides can lead to infertility problems

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 6 -. Drink a lot of water

Water is important for sperm motility and function of many processed in your body including conception. Make sure that you drink at least 6-8 glasses a day. The general rule of thumb urine should be clear

Vegetarian Fertility Tip # 7 -. Limit your intake of soy

This tip may come as a shock to you but most soy is genetically modified. Soy also has hormone mimicking effects and can disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Opt for alternatives to soy products and limit their consumption.


October 13th, 2015

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