
own organic vegetables for juicing

Imagine your garden so full of plants, it does not look like something you’ve seen before. It’s too pretty to be a vegetable garden because every possible product space is filled with lush, healthy foliage … but everything in it is edible and almost everything in it that you can juice. Juicing is a fast track to good health. When vegetable juice, you have to remove the fibrous part and extracting all the vitamins and minerals and trace elements in the plant.

expertise is my vegetable garden planting, and not necessarily juicing, but from my own experience and the neverending information available, I draw your attention to net benefits that can be sourced from their own healthy organic vegetable garden phone. You know where vegetables come from, and you know you will get the full nutritional benefits. There are numerous varieties vegetables you can grow, and I will review five in the top choice to give you complete nutrition data.

Start slowly, when juicing you drink concentrated nutrition.


Kale is classified as one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and is high in fiber. It contains a minimum calorie count on a similar assessment in any other vegetables, and has zero fat.

This vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, and numerous other benefits, Kale aids digestion, detoxify the body, aids proper liver function, helps the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol and can help against various cancers.

Kale, when Juiced on its own has a strong taste, but if mixed with apples, celery, ginger or lemon it produces lovely flavorsome juice.


Carrots are incredibly nutritious and healing, and a good base for juicing. They are fat free, saturated fat free, cholesterol and low in sodium. Studies have shown that drinking carrot juice is more beneficial than eating carrots.

Carrots are also a powerful antiseptic, helping to prevent heart disease and stroke, improve vision and help the digestive system.

Most of the benefit of carrots can be attributed to beta carotene that, a precursor of vitamin A and fiber content, helping the liver to flush out toxins in the body, helping to reduce bile and fat in the liver.

Be aware, excessive drinking carrot juice can cause yellowing of the skin.

Red Peppers

Numerous studies have found a diet high in antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits are associated with a lower risk of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Red Peppers are high on the list of these antioxidant rich vegetables. All peppers are high in vitamins AC and K, but red peppers are loaded with these vitamins.

Vitamin A plays an important role in the growth and repair of body tissues, and is especially important to maintain good vision and healthy skin.

Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, and promotes healing of wounds, repair and maintenance of bones and teeth.
Top diet
K vitamin sources are plant based. This vitamin is essential for blood clotting, cell growth and bone development.

Red Pepper juice can taste rather high, lemon juice helps reduce the flavor and makes it more tasteful.


Spinach is one of the worlds healthiest vegetables and is in top nutritional richness, providing you with a powerful antioxidant. Bright, deeper colored leaves offer more nutrition and higher levels of vitamin C than spinach leaves that are lighter in color The dietary fiber content aids in digestion, prevents constipation, but low blood sugar and curbs overeating.

Spinach juice should be used in moderation as it acts as a natural laxative and when consumed in excessive amounts can be too much of a laxative.

For a taste, spinach is probably the least strong in flavor all green, and added as of celery and apples, makes a refreshing drink.


Cucumber, as well as be effective when you are juicing for weight loss, cucumber is also important when juicing for health. Cucumber is one of the very low calorie vegetables, contain no saturated fat or cholesterol.

cucumber juice controls fluid retention and helps with problem balloon. It cleanses the blood, lowers blood pressure and is also said to treat arthritis effectively. It is important to leave the skin on as it give you more strength advantage.

Cucumber juice is excellent in cutting the strong flavor of other vegetable juices, great to add a carrot or celery juice.


I’ve written about and promoted specific method organic vegetable garden planting, and have benefited from the use of this gardening and 1000’s of others. I know you would enjoy with harvest vegetables for your juicing every single day of the year, from the garden that thrives and there are no pests, there is no need to add fertilizer or pesticides, much less fluid than you can ever imagine. Vegetables from the garden would give you maximum nutrition and would not contain nasties you would find in most store bought ingredients.

grow and enjoy your Harvest

Paul A Jay


October 16th, 2015

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