
Like many music lovers will know, standing next to a speaker at a rock concert can seriously affect how well you hear in the next few hours. But the damage that can be done with one outing, the range of noises that can damage your ears and how soon heard someone will be at risk without proper protection is somewhat surprising.

All of heavy construction equipment and aircraft for dental training and tour bands can damage your hearing, and only one during pregnancy can cause ringing in the ears – called tinnitus – or do you temporary hearing loss. Regular exposure, on the other hand, could cause permanent damage leading to severe hearing problems

human inner ear is made up of several parts, but one of the most vital is the cochlea -. Spiral part of the inner ear. Cochlea are two types of hair cells, the inner hair cells and outer hair cells. It is these hair cells are damaged prolonged exposure to noise.

Although hair cells may be small, they important to your ability to hear. Outer ear hair cells are the key to your ability to hear quiet sounds, like a whisper or rustling of leaves. The inner ear hair cells transmit sound information to the brain and are an important link between hear sound and understand what it means

According to studies loud sounds -. Also called “high-intensity” sound – do serious damage to both types of cells, but long-term exposure to lower intensity sounds wreaks havoc on the outer ear hair cells. In short, both types of exposure to noise can significantly affect your ability to hear.

You may think that you will be able to skate through the occasional concert or marching band practice without damaging your hearing, but the amount of noise the human ear can safely face is surprisingly small. For example, to be a party with a band is only safe for about five hours a week, weekly evening at Blues Bar can last only nine minutes before your inner ear is in danger. Most surprisingly, you can spend time around the marching band for just four seconds a week before the hearing is in danger.

With so many wonderful experiences related to inner ear damage, it is always a good idea to protect and fortunately there are a number of excellent protective solutions, from ear plugs to the ear defenders that can help keep your hearing safe for years to come.


October 16th, 2015

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You have plans to buy a hearing aid, and you’re asking where you can possibly look for these products. The main answer to that question is: shop around

Looking for a variety of models and brands, and ask your audiologist for their suggestions for good .. There are wide variety of styles that you can find the most suitable for you

Here are some of the items, if you have plans to buy hearing aids :.

  • Remember that analog hearing aids are relatively cheaper compared to digital hearing aids.
  • Analog hearing aids amplify sound louder, in most cases. On the other hand, the digital hearing aids the ability to adjust the sound level you prefer. Simply speaking, the digital hearing aids more features that make it to be more flexible.

If you want to buy one of these aids, you may want to learn more about different types of hearing aids.

  • completely in the canal (CIC) – the actions of these smallest hearing aids available are quite limited. Batteries that did not last long as there is very little. It is the most expensive among all the aids. If you are buying a hearing aid, you must know that such a hearing is suitable for patients with mild to moderate hearing loss.
  • In The Canal (ITC) – the actions (ITC) are almost the same; except for the fact that it is not going through the ear canal.
  • ear (ITE) – this type of hearing aid is located in Concha and Helix ear. Concha has a shape like that of a bowl. This is suitable for patients with mild to severe hearing loss.

If you are buying hearing aids, keep in mind that the effectiveness of such aid based on the quality, type and proper location in the ears.


October 16th, 2015

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To become vegetarian is a lifetime commitment. No one should force you to change. The motive for the change should come from within to make it more comfortable and you have to integrate it in your life with purpose. In this article, you will be able to contemplate the 5 reasons to become a vegetarian.

  • achieve a healthy lifestyle

Issues of health to encourage people to become vegetarian. Meatless diet is certainly healthier. A vegetarian diet that is low in fat will help prevent and reduce the sensitivity to acquire a number of diseases and illnesses. Also, you will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as a fit body without any difficulty.

  • Weight loss and weight maintenance

Most people who end up being a vegetarian are those who want to lose excess weight and maintain a slender body. People who are on a vegetarian diet consume less calories and can weigh less compared to non-vegetarians. Having a healthy vegetarian diet will also allow you to maintain the desired weight in a healthy way.

  • caring for the environment

Did you know that eating meat could contribute to global warming? Global warming is basically result in a rise in the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Methane is one of the main culprits behind global warming and cattle can produce about 100 million tons of methane.

Surprisingly, some of the most serious environmental issues are all directly related to eating meat. There are a lot of people who are concerned about the impact of meat-based diet on the environment and global warming is just one of the most serious issues.

  • Concern For Animals

becoming a vegetarian means to save the lives of animals by reducing demand for meat supply. List of animal cruelty in factory farms is endless. Nowadays, live animals only for a short time due to the increase in demand for meat. Lives are wasted and innocent animals are violently killed. These animals also have a life to be fulfilled.

  • religion, ethics and religion

most religions integrate vegetarian eating habits in their teachings. These religions are Seventh-day Adventists, Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. On the other hand, other people choose to become vegetarian for ethical reasons. These people are opposed to eating meat because it implies that the animal had to die brutally to feed them. Sacrifice lives just to feed humanity is unethical for some people.

Whatever the reason you want to believe, you just have to remember to embrace it whole-heartedly. The conversion from a meat-based diet vegetarian cookbook diet would be much more important if you have a very strong reason behind it.


October 16th, 2015

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When you experience sudden ear ringing in one or both ears, a condition referred to as tinnitus. People suffering from tinnitus, regardless of age and generation to generation. The sound can be heard from the soft continuous hissing loud whistling in your ears. Almost everyone has experienced sudden ear ringing tone once in a while that can last a few minutes he was gone, while others may last longer. There are people who suffer much from this situation that even their sleep patterns affected and interrupted. Sudden ear ringing can be so stressful and confusing to some people because it can hamper normal operations from time to time.

There are many reasons why a person suffers sudden ear ringing, it could be the cause of ear problems or signal a more serious health problems in the body. Most of the time that the ringing sound is not permanent, but can only last a few minutes up to two days. Wax or dirt build up in the ear canal can also cause tinnitus and is very dangerous to take out the dirt in the ear, though some over the counter laundry from local pharmacies can greatly help the ear canal gently and safely. You may not know exactly what is the root cause of sudden ear ringing and ear infections can be one of them.

times recommended over the counter medications that can cause sudden ear ringing and can lead to permanent hearing loss or tinnitus. High doses of medication as Salicylate analgesics (aspirin), naproxen sodium (Naprosyn, Lever), ibuprofen, other anti-inflammatory steroids, amino glycoside antibiotics and contraceptives oral. Those drugs for digestive problems can also cause ringing in your ear if given in large doses. Take medicine for ear infections such use ototoxic antibiotics may help tinnitus which is why ask help health practitioner is recommended. The best way to reduce noise is to reduce the dose of drugs committee and to avoid further damage.

Ear noise starts when you fall ear infections and sudden vehicle accident. Some automobile crash victims have reported incidents of sudden ringing in their ears after experiencing a traumatic head injury. Dental procedures can cause sudden ear ring as difficult tooth extractions or ultrasonic cleaning. Usually, these methods produce a loud noise near the ear ring in your ear can be found after a few minutes they are doing. You can wear ear protection gear especially when you are near the high scanning machines like MRI’s and cat. If you’ve got whistling or buzzing sound when to avoid further damage to the ear by staying away from this noise.

Sudden ear ringing is normal to happen especially when you are exposed to noise. For most people who have experienced ringing in their ears they have to check personal lifestyle as well as constant monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar, eat the right kind of food and daily exercise to prevent the onset of a more serious health problem . Although tinnitus is not a disease you can fear of even the right way how to deal with it is necessary because it can do much disturbance to your daily activities most especially when you have to rest at night. You just have to ignore the sudden ear ring noise and learn to live with it by avoiding the occurrence of noise or music near you.


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Here are some more constipation remedies using fruits. Try to get your organic fruits and eat them as soon as possible. The longer you keep fruits, without using them, the less enzymes and nutrients they have.


Apricots are one of the most nutritious fruits since they are high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and have many other minerals. One apricot has around 1000 IU of vitamin A. This vitamin is mainly in the form of a precursor beta-carotene.

Apricots have a laxative effect and are usually available during the summer. Dried apricots are good and are much higher in vitamin A and minerals.

Use dried apricots that have not been dried with sulfur dioxide. Some people are allergic to sulfur dioxide and it is considered a pollutant that can be found in our ceiling. This chemical is a preservative that prevents apricots from turning brown.

If you have an ulcer, eating apricots with sulfur dioxide can increase stomach acid and increase it.

Avocado with Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Here is a recipe that will make you go to the bathroom for a few hours.

Peel 1-2 avocados

Add some sea salt

3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (to taste)

1-2 tablespoons of lemon (to taste)

Mix all together and spread on your favorite crackers

Have a good time to eat

Yes, avocados high in fat, but they contain fat that is good for you, monounsaturated. The 4 oz., Half of avocado contains 500 mg of potassium and folic acid.


Bananas are rich in potassium. They assist in healing open wounds in the interior body membranes. They are useful in stopping diarrhea and at the same time to promote bowel movement.

Eat two bananas on an empty stomach after a glass of distilled water. After constipation is cleared, eat only one banana a day.


Blue berries can act as a laxative for some people despite its use to stop diarrhea. This is a topic, Anthocyanosides can kill bacteria and viruses

Blueberries are also good for reducing inflammation. This makes them good for inflammations that occur all along the digestive tract.

Boysen Berries

Boysen Berry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When constipation is not extra serious this juice will help move things in your colon.


Cantaloupe is one of best fruits you can eat. It contains many minerals and has Vitamin A and C. It is high in potassium. It has lots of fiber and is useful for constipation.


Cherries are high in potassium, fiber and many other minerals, which are effective in neutralizing body acid. They contain vitamins B-1, B-2, folic acid and niacin.

Cherries have a laxative effect and can start peristaltic action.

eat fresh cherries throughout the day or drink 3 glasses, 8 oz, of cherry juice during the day. Buy cherry juice in a glass container. Eating and drinking cherries like this has kept me from having constipation. Cherries are usually only available in the summer, but you can buy cherry juice anytime.

Dried cherries can also be used but can be expensive.

Use these fruits mention as constipation remedies and at the same time gain the benefits of their nutritional value.


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You do not have to endure tinnitus, where there are natural remedies to treat it. Here are three (3) non-medical solutions How to treat tinnitus.

Understanding the symptoms and causes of

ringing in your ears is medically termed as tinnitus. While it is not a serious disease, immediate treatment is necessary, if only to relieve you from the tormenting sounds you hear in your ears, even without external stimuli. The first thing you need to do is get a good analysis of your symptoms from your ENT (ear nose throat) specialist.

With the analysis, you are likely to find the causes of your symptoms. If you are not aware of it yet, tinnitus is a symptom. Ruling out underlying disease ringing in your ears may come as its characteristics will enable you to identify the cause and appropriate resources. Otherwise you will have to treat the disease to get rid of the symptoms.

According to the Mayo Clinic, pinpointing the cause of tinnitus is difficult. However, there are common causes of the following:

• damage to the inner ear due to several factors, such as infections, clogged ears, head trauma, noise, autoimmune diseases and other chronic health conditions

• Deafness due to aging or old age, hearing

• accumulate ear wax can either irritate the eardrum or trigger hearing loss

• stress, anxiety and depression

• disorders as TMJ and Meniere’s disease

• certain medicines such as antibiotics or high doses of aspirin among others

To date, there is no known cure for the condition, but the American Tinnitus Association (ATA) continues its research to find it . While waiting for some compelling doctors, ATA suggests that you will be pro-active in learning how to treat tinnitus.

Management Unwanted ringing in the ears

Knowing triggers the unwanted noise in your ears can help you get the necessary relief from the condition. For example, you can be away or decrease your creature noise or noise. Another way is to clean the ears is necessary to prevent accumulation of earwax. It will also do you good to avoid sources of stress, or manage it.

On top of these things, you need to make sure you’re eating the right diet to meet the nutritional requirement. Your body needs nutrients to strengthen the natural ability to heal and shield yourself from health issues including tinnitus.

Stay Positive

In any treatment of tinnitus, it is always best to be positive. Despite the absence of doctors, there is hope that you will free yourself from tinnitus with the right attitude. Count yourself as part of the solution. Continue to learn about your situation and keep you updated on new findings about the healing her. Active participation in the treatment of the condition can help you recover from it.

From time to time, check with the American Tinnitus Association for the latest development of a cure for ringing ears. You will also find some valuable resources on the web that will help you learn how to treat ringing ears.


October 16th, 2015

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It is not true that you have to go on dieting to have a successful weight loss experience. In fact, by reducing the amount of food everyday drastically, it is harmful for the body. What you have to do really is to carefully consider what food you eat every day

Here are some healthy food choices that you might want to consider :.

1. Grains

You should consume 6 ounces of grains each day. Korn is found in foods such as whole grain cereals, breads, rice, biscuits and pasta.

2. Vegetable

You should eat 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day. Vegetables you should consume are broccoli and spinach. Carrots and sweet potatoes are very good as well, along with dry beans as beans, pinto beans and kidney beans.

3. Fruit

You should consume 2 cups of fruit every day. You should focus on eating a variety of fruits (and do not stick to just one variety). You can also consume fruit juice as well.

4. Milk

If you’re an adult, you should drink 3 cups of milk every day. If you’re a kid at the age of 2-8 years, you should drink 2 cups of milk every day. When choosing milk or dairy products, you should opt for those that are fat-free or low-fat.

If you do not like milk or you can not have it because of medical reasons, you can go for lactose products or other food sources of calcium such as fortified foods and beverages.

5. Meat and Beans

You should eat 5 ounces of meat and beans every day. When eating meat, you should always bake it, grill it or broil it, as this will prevent grease added to the equation. You should also change the amount of protein intake every day and more fish, beans, peas and nuts.

In addition, when you cook food, you should also limit the amount of solid fats like butter, margarine, shortening and lard you put in. Even if they are to make your dishes taste better, but it comes with a lot of fat, and it will also increase your cholesterol level.

By selecting the types and varieties of foods wisely, it will greatly help you in your weight loss regime.

However, the above to choose healthier food to eat, you should not neglect to practice – and that goes hand-in-hand with a healthy eating lifestyle. No matter how young or old you may be, eating healthy will help keep longer active lifestyle for even more years into the future and help you in your health as well.


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hearing problems are common after traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to inner ear is directly related to the central nervous system. Ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing are two of the most reported side effects traumatic brain injury. Some other hearing problems that can result from brain damage are hearing (normal situations seem very loud); difficulties filter one set of sounds from background noise; and hearing Agnosia (also called pure word deafness). Auditory Agnosia is a situation where the person is unable to recognize the meaning of certain sounds.

After TBI, hearing problems can occur for various reasons, both hardware and nervous system, especially in the inner ear and / or temporal lobes have been damaged. External bleeding in the ear canal, middle ear damage, cochlear injury and / or temporal lobe lesions can all cause auditory dysfunction.

Children who suffer TBI often face more problems in the field of communication, acquiring new information, spatial orientation, completed projects, impulse control, and social conversation.

The inner ear is made up of a series of delicate membranes, which can easily rupture during a head injury. The cochlea, which is important spiral-shaped bone in the ear can be damaged by a strong blow to the head causes hearing. Other types of membrane damage may cause hearing loss as well as dizziness (vertigo) and nausea. Sometimes surgery can correct the damage to the inner ear.

Because hearing loss limit or take away one of the primary means by which we send hearing tends to complicate many other side effects, brain damage, mainly intellectual and social problems. Many TBI victims suffer when cognitive issues such as difficulty finding words, and these problems are only exacerbated if the patient can not hear what is going on around him.

Fortunately, for some TBI victims, hearing problems disappear a few weeks after the accident which led to the patient’s brain, but other problems hearing will last indefinitely. Since many hearing problems can not even be detected by the patient after TBI, it is recommended that anyone suffering from traumatic brain injury to be evaluated by audiologist, even if nothing seems to be wrong with the hearing of the victim.


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healthy kidney diet plays an important role in the management of kidney problems and prevent kidney disease. Whether food is “kidney friendly” or not depends on how much – or little – about the following five points in it :. Hydraulic, phosphorus, protein, potassium and sodium

Let’s look at the liquid first. Generally speaking, drinking plenty of fluids like water is good for the kidneys – especially to prevent kidney stones. But if you are experiencing kidney problems, you need to be careful about fluid intake. When the kidney is damaged or diseased, it is difficult filter out excess fluid and flush them from the body in urine. Take in even more fluid at times this can trigger inflammation, high blood pressure and shortness of breath. So it is important to take oral fluids well if you already have kidney problems of any kind.

You can work with your doctor to determine how much or how little fluid intake is best for you. Remember that liquids do not just come from things you can drink from a glass or bottle, and they come from other sources, especially food that melts in the water when you eat it. Ice leads the list below.

Phosphorus is another important part of a healthy kidney diet plan. Phosphorus helps maintain normal nerve and muscle performance. It also combines with calcium to give you strong bones and teeth. When you have kidney disease, tend phosphorus balance to change in a negative way. Calcium levels fall, your body compensates by absorbing calcium from the bones. Oversupply of phosphorus causes itching, joint pain and osteoporosis.

Foods that contain a lot of phosphorus are caramel, cheese, chicken liver, beef liver and many types of nuts and peanut butter. Some liquids are also high in phosphorus, including beer and coke.

Potassium is also an important factor in maintaining kidney health. Potassium helps regulate the performance of nerves and muscles. But too much potassium in the diet can lead to irregular heartbeats, also tends to put pressure on the kidneys.

Many, many foods contain potassium, so moderation is particularly important. Foods that have a high potassium content are apricots, bananas, beets, bran and bran products, broccoli, cantaloupe, chocolate, coffee, Collard, mushrooms, mustard, oranges, potatoes, prunes, raisins, salt substitute, and tomatoes.

Protein is another factor to consider in shaping a healthy kidney diet plan. We definitely need protein because it promotes strong muscles, helps fight infection, and plays an important role in making tissue. But diet containing large quantities is bad for the kidneys. Too much protein produces excess waste and increases the risk of kidney problems. So it is important to consult your doctor to find a balance that is best for you.

Protein comes from meat and poultry, including eggs. If you have kidney problems, you’ll want to be careful with this food. Low protein foods, on the other hand, there are many types of grain and vegetables.

Sodium plays a major role in the health of your kidneys. The body needs sodium – also known as salt – to win. Sodium helps regulate muscle contraction, fluid balance and keep your blood pressure normal. But many people use too much of it, and it can be particularly harmful for those suffering kidney problems.

Kidneys filter usually unnecessary sodium out of your system. But if there is too much or the kidneys are damaged and can not perform their work properly, fluid start collecting. This results in swelling and bloating, particularly in the face and joints.

healthy diet plan and eat kidney kidney-friendly foods are essential for anyone with serious kidney disease, as well as those who want to avoid kidney problems in the future. Always remember that as renal function decreases, dialysis or even a kidney transplant may be necessary. Both significantly affect quality of life. Maintenance kidney healthy diet plan will help you avoid these measures.


October 16th, 2015

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Millions of people suffer from tinnitus, a condition in which one has a persistent ringing, hissing or buzzing in one or two ears, even without external sources. It may be due to hearing loss or damage of the auditory system. Whatever the reason, one thing is certain, persistent tinnitus is a constant nuisance that can affect their quality of life. If not suffer to deal with ear ringing problems or tinnitus, it could take over their lives.

Tinnitus affects the quality of people’s life because there is a constant sound that reaches conscious people makes it difficult to ignore. In the long term, constant calls will be bothersome leads to distress and depression. Dealing with persistent ear ringing can be very difficult because it affects sleep, concentration, emotional well-being of people and to make human life and struggle for people with tinnitus. So how to deal with ear ringing or tinnitus?

Share your feelings. People with tinnitus are often depressed and they need to share their feelings. One way to deal with ear ringing is to stop keeping it all bottled up inside you. It is best to seek advice or take a tinnitus help group where you can talk to other people who have the same ear ringing problem. You can share your feelings and at the same time learn more about the different methods of survival from those who are successful in dealing with tinnitus.

Avoid noise. Exposure to loud music for a long time is one of the causes of tinnitus and if you are dealing with ear ring every day, it is important to prevent noise to avoid tinnitus gets worse. Stay away from the noise as loud music, power tools, chain saws and factory noise. Replace or clean the equipment and devices in the home causes unwanted noise like electric fans, air conditioners, hair dryers, etc. If you can not stay away from the noise, protect yourself by wearing earplugs or earmuffs. To avoid noise can help you deal with ear ringing problems and manage your tinnitus.

Avoid too much silence. Although you need to avoid loud noise, too much silence can be bad for your tinnitus because it makes tinnitus more noticeable. To deal with ear ringing, it’s best to surround yourself with pleasant low volume sounds like sounds of nature (water, birds, rain, etc.). These sounds are not only soothing, but they may include tinnitus makes it less noticeable. Ask your doctor about sound therapy, a soothing sound that you can download into your device that you can wear in your ears or you can put in your pocket or belt to play at any time wherever you are.

Get adequate sleep or rest. Some have often tinnitus attack due to lack of sleep or poor sleep. People with tinnitus find it worsens in late afternoon or early evening probably because it is the time that most people are already tired and weary. Good night sleep is very important for people with ear ringing problem. Getting adequate sleep and rest can be very useful to deal with ear ringing problem. It is true that ear ringing can disrupt sleep one and it can be very difficult to sleep soundly at night if there is a constant ringing in the ears. One remedy for this is to use a small electric devices called maskers, devices produce soft low pitched sound louder than the tinnitus noise to mask the tinnitus or make ear call less noticeable. Putting maskers the bedside phone could help you fall asleep.

Keep yourself busy with meaningful activities. When your mind is engaged in meaningful activities, you feel less tinnitus or it makes you forget ringing in your ears. To deal with ear ringing problem, keep an active mind and move the focus on meaningful activities like solving puzzles, solve math problems, learn a foreign language, reading, writing, hand crafts and hobbies and outdoor activities such as sports. When your mind is busy thinking and doing other things, tinnitus becomes less prominent.

Reduce stress. To deal with ear ring problems that you need to manage your stress. Tinnitus can be triggered by stress and to control tinnitus you need to reduce stress in your life. Relaxation is the best way to manage stress. There are different types of relaxation, but no matter what form of relaxation works for you, it is important to take time to relax every day. Breathing is one form of relaxation can help relieve stress. Focusing on breathing rhythm is very soothing and has a calming effect. Of course one best way to manage stress is to manage your activities properly. If your work is challenging and stressful, learn to agents or do not commit to deadlines impossible to meet. At home, try to be organized and get some help if things are getting out of hand to save yourself from stressful situations.

Tinnitus is an unpleasant situation, but it is possible for people with tinnitus to lead a healthy and happy life when they have learned to deal with tinnitus.


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